Source code for xdmenu

# coding: utf8

"""Package main definition."""

from __future__ import absolute_import

from collections import OrderedDict
import subprocess

from pkg_resources import get_distribution, DistributionNotFound
import six

__project__ = 'xdmenu'
__version__ = None  # required for initial installation

    distribution = get_distribution(__project__)
    __version__ = distribution.version

except DistributionNotFound:
    # This will happen if the package is not installed.
    # For more informations about development installation, read about
    # the 'develop' command or the '--editable' pip option.
    # Note that development installations may break other packages from
    # the same implicit namespace
    # (see
    __version__ = '(local)'

__all__ = ['dmenu',

[docs]def dmenu(choices, dmenu=None, **kwargs): """ Run `dmenu` with configuration provided in ``**kwargs``. Args: choices (list): Choices to put in menu dmenu (xdmenu.BaseMenu): A :class:`xdmenu.BaseMenu` instance to use. If not provided, a default one will be created. \*\*kwargs: Any of the supported argument added via :meth:`xdmenu.BaseMenu.add_arg`. Returns: list: All the choices made by the user. See Also: :meth:`` """ dmenu_instance = dmenu or Dmenu(**kwargs) return
[docs]class DmenuError(Exception): """ Something went wrong with dmenu. """ def __init__(self, args, stderr): msg = ('The provided dmenu command could not be used: ' '{!s} {!s}'.format(args, stderr)) super(DmenuError, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class DmenuUsageError(DmenuError): """ Some arguments to dmenu where invalid. """ def __init__(self, args, stderr): msg = ('This version of dmenu does not support your usage: ' '{!s} {!s}'.format(args, stderr)) super(DmenuUsageError, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class BaseMenu(object): def __init__(self, dmenu=None, proc_runner=None, **kwargs): """ An extensible dmenu wrapper. Args: dmenu (str): dmenu executable to use. proc_runner (Callable[[list, list], str]): a function that calls dmenu as a subprocess and returns the output. This defaults to a simple call to :class:`subprocess.Popen`. \*\*kwargs: See :meth:`xdmenu.BaseMenu.configure` """ self._dmenu_args = OrderedDict() self._dmenu_config = OrderedDict() self._run_dmenu_process = proc_runner or _run_dmenu_process bin = dmenu or 'dmenu' self.add_arg('dmenu', _dmenu, default=bin) self.configure(**kwargs)
[docs] def configure(self, **kwargs): """ Set a value to any of the supported argument added. See Also: :meth:`xdmenu.BaseMenu.add_arg`. Args: \*\*kwargs: Keywords are mapped to the name of the argument, and the value is kept for a future call to dmenu. """ self._dmenu_config.update(kwargs)
[docs] def make_cmd(self, **kwargs): """ Build the list of command line arguments to dmenu. Args: \*\*kwargs: See :meth:`xdmenu.BaseMenu.configure`, except that values are no kept for a later call to dmenu Returns: list: List of command parts ready to sead to :class:`subprocess.Popen` Examples: >>> menu = Dmenu() >>> menu.make_cmd() ['dmenu'] >>> menu.make_cmd(bottom=True) ['dmenu', '-b'] >>> menu.make_cmd(lines=2, prompt='-> ',) ['dmenu', '-l', '2', '-p', '-> '] """ config = self._dmenu_config.copy() config.update(kwargs) cmd = [] for name, value in six.iteritems(config): arg_converter = self._dmenu_args[name] cli_arg_list = arg_converter(value) cmd.extend(cli_arg_list) return cmd
[docs] def version(self, dmenu=None): """ Return dmenu version string. Args: dmenu (str): dmenu executable to use. Defaults to the one configured in `self`. Returns: str: The configured dmenu's version string """ cmd = [dmenu or self._dmenu_config['dmenu'], '-v'] version = self._run_dmenu_process(cmd)[0] return version
[docs] def run(self, choices, **kwargs): """ Args: choices (list): Choices to put in menu \*\*kwargs: See :meth:`xdmenu.BaseMenu.configure`, except that values are no kept for a later call to dmenu Examples: >>> # We mock the _run_dmenu_process function for this example >>> # to be runnable even if dmenu is not installed >>> # The mock mimics a user choosing the first choice >>> m = Dmenu(proc_runner=_mock_dmenu_process) >>>['foo', 'bar']) ['foo'] Returns: list: All the choices made by the user. In order to have multiple results, a custom build of `dmenu` may be required since the original version may not support selecting many items. """ choices = choices or [] cmd = self.make_cmd(**kwargs) choice = self._run_dmenu_process(cmd, input_lines=choices) return choice
[docs] def add_arg(self, name, converter, default=None): """ Extend this wrapper by registering a new dmenu argument. You can also use this to change the behavior of existing arguments. Args: name (str): The name of the supported keyword argument for this wrapper. converter (Callable[[Any], Iterable]): A function that converts the configured value to a list of command line arguments to dmenu. default (Optional[Any]): The default configured value. Examples: Let's wrap the usage of a `-foo` argument that a dmenu fork could possibly support. >>> def to_bottom(arg): ... return ['-foo'] if arg else [] >>> menu = Dmenu() >>> menu.add_arg('foo', to_bottom, default=False) >>> menu.make_cmd() ['dmenu'] >>> menu.make_cmd(foo=True) ['dmenu', '-foo'] """ self._dmenu_args[name] = converter self._dmenu_config.setdefault(name, default)
[docs]class Dmenu(BaseMenu): def __init__(self, proc_runner=None, **kwargs): """ An extensible dmenu wrapper that already supports all usual arguments. Args: dmenu (str): See :meth:`xdmenu.BaseMenu` proc_runner (Callable[[list, list], str]): See :meth:`xdmenu.BaseMenu` bottom (bool): dmenu appears at the bottom of the screen. Equivalent for the ``-b`` command line option of dmenu. grab (bool): dmenu grabs the keyboard before reading stdin. This is faster, but will lock up X until stdin reaches end-of-file. Equivalent for the ``-f`` command line option of dmenu. insensitive (bool): dmenu matches menu items case insensitively. Equivalent for the ``-i`` command line option of dmenu. lines (int): dmenu lists items vertically, with the given number of lines. Equivalent for the ``-l`` command line option of dmenu. monitor (int): dmenu is displayed on the monitor number supplied. Monitor numbers are starting from 0. Equivalent for the ``-m`` command line option of dmenu. prompt (str): defines the prompt to be displayed to the left of the input field. Equivalent for the ``-p`` command line option of dmenu. font (str): defines the font or font set used. Equivalent for the ``-fn`` command line option of dmenu. normal_bg_color (str): defines the normal background color. #RGB, #RRGGBB, and X color names are supported. Equivalent for the ``-nb`` command line option of dmenu. normal_fg_color (str): defines the normal foreground color. Equivalent for the ``-nf`` command line option of dmenu. selected_bg_color (str): defines the selected background color. Equivalent for the ``-sb`` command line option of dmenu. selected_fg_color (str): defines the selected foreground color. Equivalent for the ``-sf`` command line option of dmenu. windowid (str): embed into windowid. """ super(self.__class__, self).__init__(proc_runner=proc_runner, **kwargs) self.add_arg('bottom', _bottom) self.add_arg('grab', _grab) self.add_arg('insensitive', _insensitive) self.add_arg('lines', _lines) self.add_arg('monitor', _monitor) self.add_arg('prompt', _prompt) self.add_arg('font', _font) self.add_arg('normal_bg_color', _normal_bg_color) self.add_arg('normal_fg_color', _normal_fg_color) self.add_arg('selected_bg_color', _selected_bg_color) self.add_arg('selected_fg_color', _selected_fg_color) self.add_arg('windowid', _windowid)
[docs]class Dmenu2(Dmenu): def __init__(self, proc_runner=None, **kwargs): """ A wrapper for dmenu2_. This wrapper also supports all of :class:`xdmenu.Dmenu` arguments in addition to the ones below. .. _dmenu2: Args: dmenu (str): See :meth:`xdmenu.BaseMenu` proc_runner (Callable[[list, list], str]): See :meth:`xdmenu.BaseMenu` filter (bool): activates filter mode. All matching items currently shown in the list will be selected, starting with the item that is highlighted and wrapping around to the beginning of the list. Equivalent for the ``-r`` command line option of dmenu2. fuzzy (bool): dmenu uses fuzzy matching. It matches items that have all characters entered, in sequence they are entered, but there may be any number of characters between matched characters. For example it takes ``txt`` makes it to ``*t*x*t`` glob pattern and checks if it matches. Equivalent for the ``-z`` command line option of dmenu2. token (bool): dmenu uses space-separated tokens to match menu items. Using this overrides `fuzzy` option. Equivalent for the ``-t`` command line option of dmenu2. mask (bool): dmenu masks input with asterisk characters (*). Equivalent for the ``-mask`` command line option of dmenu2. screen (int): dmenu apears on the specified screen number. Number given corresponds to screen number in X configuration. Equivalent for the ``-s`` command line option of dmenu2. window_name (str): defines window name for dmenu. Defaults to "dmenu". Equivalent for the ``-name`` command line option of dmenu2. window_class (str): defines window class for dmenu. Defaults to "Dmenu". Equivalent for the ``-class`` command line option of dmenu2. opacity (float): defines window opacity for dmenu. Defaults to 1.0. Equivalent for the ``-o`` command line option of dmenu2. dim (float): enables screen dimming when dmenu appers. Takes dim opacity as argument. Equivalent for the ``-dim`` command line option of dmenu2. dim_color (str): defines color of screen dimming. Active only when -dim in effect. Defautls to black (#000000). Equivalent for the ``-dc`` command line option of dmenu2. height (int): defines the height of the bar in pixels. Equivalent for the ``-h`` command line option of dmenu2. xoffset (int): defines the offset from the left border of the screen. Equivalent for the ``-x`` command line option of dmenu2. yoffset (int): defines the offset from the top border of the screen. Equivalent for the ``-y`` command line option of dmenu2. width (int): defines the desired menu window width. Equivalent for the ``-w`` command line option of dmenu2. """ super(self.__class__, self).__init__(proc_runner=proc_runner, **kwargs) self.add_arg('filter', _filter) self.add_arg('fuzzy', _fuzzy) self.add_arg('token', _token) self.add_arg('mask', _mask) self.add_arg('screen', _screen) self.add_arg('window_name', _window_name) self.add_arg('window_class', _window_class) self.add_arg('opacity', _opacity) self.add_arg('dim', _dim) self.add_arg('dim_color', _dim_color) self.add_arg('height', _height) self.add_arg('xoffset', _xoffset) self.add_arg('yoffset', _yoffset) self.add_arg('width', _width)
def _run_dmenu_process(cmd, input_lines=None): try: proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(input='\n'.join(input_lines)) if 'usage' in stderr and proc.wait() != 0: raise DmenuUsageError(cmd, stderr) output = stdout.strip() or '' return output.splitlines() except OSError as err: # something went wrong when starting the process six.raise_from(DmenuError(cmd), err) def _mock_dmenu_process(cmd, input_lines=None): # We assert to be called only with 'dmenu' for the purpose # of this example. assert cmd == ['dmenu'] # this one will always return the first line if possible return [input_lines[0]] if input_lines else [] def _dmenu(arg=None): """ Args: arg (str): dmenu executable to use Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Examples: >>> _dmenu() ['dmenu'] >>> _dmenu('j4-dmenu-desktop') ['j4-dmenu-desktop'] """ return [arg] if arg else ['dmenu'] def _bottom(arg=None): """ Args: arg (bool): dmenu appears at the bottom of the screen. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Examples: >>> _bottom() [] >>> _bottom(True) ['-b'] >>> _bottom('evaluates to True') ['-b'] >>> _bottom(None) [] >>> _bottom(False) [] """ return ['-b'] if arg else [] def _grab(arg=None): """ Args: arg (bool): dmenu grabs the keyboard before reading stdin. This is faster, but will lock up X until stdin reaches end-of-file. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Examples: >>> _grab() [] >>> _grab(True) ['-f'] >>> _grab('evaluates to True') ['-f'] >>> _grab(None) [] >>> _grab(False) [] """ return ['-f'] if arg else [] def _insensitive(arg=None): """ Args: arg (bool): dmenu matches menu items case insensitively. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Examples: >>> _insensitive() [] >>> _insensitive(True) ['-i'] >>> _insensitive('evaluates to True') ['-i'] >>> _insensitive(None) [] >>> _insensitive(False) [] """ return ['-i'] if arg else [] def _lines(arg=None): """ Args: arg (int): dmenu lists items vertically, with the given number of lines. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Raises: ValueError: Same as ``int(arg)`` Examples: >>> _lines() [] >>> _lines(1) ['-l', '1'] >>> _lines('2') ['-l', '2'] >>> _lines('not castable') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'not castable' """ return ['-l', str(int(arg))] if arg is not None else [] def _monitor(arg=None): """ Args: arg (int): dmenu is displayed on the monitor number supplied. Monitor numbers are starting from 0. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Raises: ValueError: Same as ``int(arg)`` if ``arg`` can't be casted. Examples: >>> _monitor() [] >>> _monitor(1) ['-m', '1'] >>> _monitor('2') ['-m', '2'] >>> _monitor('not castable') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'not castable' """ return ['-m', str(int(arg))] if arg is not None else [] def _prompt(arg=None): """ Args: arg (str): defines the prompt to be displayed to the left of the input field. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Raises: ValueError: Same as ``str(arg)`` if ``arg`` can't be casted. Examples: >>> _prompt() [] >>> _prompt('>') ['-p', '>'] """ return ['-p', str(arg)] if arg is not None else [] def _font(arg=None): """ Args: arg (str): defines the font or font set used. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Raises: ValueError: Same as ``str(arg)`` if ``arg`` can't be casted. Examples: >>> _font() [] >>> _font('freetype') ['-fn', 'freetype'] """ return ['-fn', str(arg)] if arg is not None else [] def _normal_bg_color(arg=None): """ Args: arg (str): defines the normal background color. #RGB, #RRGGBB, and X color names are supported. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu See Also: Raises: ValueError: Same as ``str(arg)`` if ``arg`` can't be casted. Examples: >>> _normal_bg_color() [] >>> _normal_bg_color('#008') ['-nb', '#008'] >>> _normal_bg_color('#00008B') ['-nb', '#00008B'] >>> _normal_bg_color('Dark Blue') ['-nb', 'Dark Blue'] """ return ['-nb', str(arg)] if arg is not None else [] def _normal_fg_color(arg=None): """ Args: arg (str): defines the normal foreground color. #RGB, #RRGGBB, and X color names are supported. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu See Also: Raises: ValueError: Same as ``str(arg)`` if ``arg`` can't be casted. Examples: >>> _normal_fg_color() [] >>> _normal_fg_color('#008') ['-nf', '#008'] >>> _normal_fg_color('#00008B') ['-nf', '#00008B'] >>> _normal_fg_color('Dark Blue') ['-nf', 'Dark Blue'] """ return ['-nf', str(arg)] if arg is not None else [] def _selected_bg_color(arg=None): """ Args: arg (str): defines the selected background color. #RGB, #RRGGBB, and X color names are supported. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu See Also: Raises: ValueError: Same as ``str(arg)`` if ``arg`` can't be casted. Examples: >>> _selected_bg_color() [] >>> _selected_bg_color('#008') ['-sb', '#008'] >>> _selected_bg_color('#00008B') ['-sb', '#00008B'] >>> _selected_bg_color('Dark Blue') ['-sb', 'Dark Blue'] """ return ['-sb', str(arg)] if arg is not None else [] def _selected_fg_color(arg=None): """ Args: arg (str): defines the selected foreground color. #RGB, #RRGGBB, and X color names are supported. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu See Also: Raises: ValueError: Same as ``str(arg)`` if ``arg`` can't be casted. Examples: >>> _selected_fg_color() [] >>> _selected_fg_color('#008') ['-sf', '#008'] >>> _selected_fg_color('#00008B') ['-sf', '#00008B'] >>> _selected_fg_color('Dark Blue') ['-sf', 'Dark Blue'] """ return ['-sf', str(arg)] if arg is not None else [] def _windowid(arg=None): """ Args: arg: embed into windowid. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Examples: >>> _windowid() [] >>> _windowid('my window') ['-w', 'my window'] """ return ['-w', str(arg)] if arg is not None else [] def _filter(arg=None): """ Supported by some patches. Args: arg (bool): activates filter mode. All matching items currently shown in the list will be selected, starting with the item that is highlighted and wrapping around to the beginning of the list. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Examples: >>> _filter() [] >>> _filter(True) ['-r'] >>> _filter('evaluates to True') ['-r'] >>> _filter(None) [] >>> _filter(False) [] """ return ['-r'] if arg else [] def _fuzzy(arg=None): """ Supported by some patches. Args: arg (bool): dmenu uses fuzzy matching. It matches items that have all characters entered, in sequence they are entered, but there may be any number of characters between matched characters. For example it takes "txt" makes it to "*t*x*t" glob pattern and checks if it matches. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Examples: >>> _fuzzy() [] >>> _fuzzy(True) ['-z'] >>> _fuzzy('evaluates to True') ['-z'] >>> _fuzzy(None) [] >>> _fuzzy(False) [] """ return ['-z'] if arg else [] def _token(arg=None): """ Supported by some patches. Args: arg (bool): dmenu uses space-separated tokens to match menu items. Using this overrides -z option. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Examples: >>> _token() [] >>> _token(True) ['-t'] >>> _token('evaluates to True') ['-t'] >>> _token(None) [] >>> _token(False) [] """ return ['-t'] if arg else [] def _mask(arg=None): """ Supported by some patches. Args: arg (bool): dmenu masks input with asterisk characters (*). Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Examples: >>> _mask() [] >>> _mask(True) ['-mask'] >>> _mask('evaluates to True') ['-mask'] >>> _mask(None) [] >>> _mask(False) [] """ return ['-mask'] if arg else [] def _screen(arg=None): """ Supported by some patches. Args: arg (int): dmenu appears on the specified screen number. Number given corresponds to screen number in X configuration. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Raises: ValueError: Same as ``int(arg)`` Examples: >>> _screen() [] >>> _screen(1) ['-s', '1'] >>> _screen('2') ['-s', '2'] >>> _screen('not castable') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'not castable' """ return ['-s', str(int(arg))] if arg is not None else [] def _window_name(arg=None): """ Supported by some patches. Args: arg (str): defines window name for dmenu. Defaults to "dmenu". Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Raises: ValueError: Same as ``str(arg)`` if ``arg`` can't be casted. Examples: >>> _window_name() [] >>> _window_name('some window name') ['-name', 'some window name'] >>> _window_name('42') ['-name', '42'] """ return ['-name', str(arg)] if arg is not None else [] def _window_class(arg=None): """ Supported by some patches. Args: arg (str): defines window class for dmenu. Defaults to "Dmenu". Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Raises: ValueError: Same as ``str(arg)`` if ``arg`` can't be casted. Examples: >>> _window_class() [] >>> _window_class('some window class') ['-class', 'some window class'] >>> _window_class('42') ['-class', '42'] """ return ['-class', str(arg)] if arg is not None else [] def _opacity(arg=None): """ Supported by some patches. Args: arg (float): defines window opacity for dmenu. Defaults to 1.0. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Raises: ValueError: Same as ``float(arg)`` if ``arg`` can't be casted. Examples: >>> _opacity() [] >>> _opacity(1) ['-o', '1.0'] >>> _opacity('0.2') ['-o', '0.2'] >>> _opacity(0.3) ['-o', '0.3'] """ return ['-o', str(float(arg))] if arg is not None else [] def _dim(arg=None): """ Supported by some patches. Args: arg (float): enables screen dimming when dmenu appears. Takes dim opacity as argument. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Raises: ValueError: Same as ``float(arg)`` if ``arg`` can't be casted. Examples: >>> _dim() [] >>> _dim(1) ['-dim', '1.0'] >>> _dim('0.2') ['-dim', '0.2'] >>> _dim(0.3) ['-dim', '0.3'] """ return ['-dim', str(float(arg))] if arg is not None else [] def _dim_color(arg=None): """ Supported by some patches. Args: arg (float): defines color of screen dimming. Active only when -dim in effect. Defaults to black (#000000) Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu See Also: Raises: ValueError: Same as ``str(arg)`` if ``arg`` can't be casted. Examples: >>> _dim_color() [] >>> _dim_color('#008') ['-dc', '#008'] >>> _dim_color('#00008B') ['-dc', '#00008B'] >>> _dim_color('Dark Blue') ['-dc', 'Dark Blue'] """ return ['-dc', str(arg)] if arg is not None else [] def _height(arg=None): """ Supported by some patches. Args: arg (int): defines the height of the bar in pixels. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Raises: ValueError: Same as ``int(arg)`` Examples: >>> _height() [] >>> _height(1) ['-h', '1'] >>> _height('2') ['-h', '2'] >>> _height('not castable') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'not castable' """ return ['-h', str(int(arg))] if arg is not None else [] def _xoffset(arg=None): """ Supported by some patches. Args: arg (int): defines the offset from the left border of the screen. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Raises: ValueError: Same as ``int(arg)`` Examples: >>> _xoffset() [] >>> _xoffset(1) ['-x', '1'] >>> _xoffset('2') ['-x', '2'] >>> _xoffset('not castable') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'not castable' """ return ['-x', str(int(arg))] if arg is not None else [] def _yoffset(arg=None): """ Supported by some patches. Args: arg (int): defines the offset from the top border of the screen. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Raises: ValueError: Same as ``int(arg)`` Examples: >>> _yoffset() [] >>> _yoffset(1) ['-y', '1'] >>> _yoffset('2') ['-y', '2'] >>> _yoffset('not castable') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'not castable' """ return ['-y', str(int(arg))] if arg is not None else [] def _width(arg=None): """ Supported by some patches. Args: arg (int): defines the desired menu window width. Returns: list: command line arguments to use with dmenu Raises: ValueError: Same as ``int(arg)`` Examples: >>> _width() [] >>> _width(1) ['-w', '1'] >>> _width('2') ['-w', '2'] >>> _width('not castable') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'not castable' """ return ['-w', str(int(arg))] if arg is not None else [] if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest flags = doctest.IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL | doctest.ELLIPSIS doctest.testmod(optionflags=flags)